Saturday, April 30, 2011

Formal One Reflection

Pablo Barajas
Eng Reflection

The Reflection of Formal One

     The biggest challenge that I faced in this writing process is one that I always face

with new work, and that is getting my ideas in order. I have a huge organizational

problem when it comes to getting my ideas onto paper. To me, it feels like I have my

ideas on a constant movie like loop in my brain but I just cant get what I’m seeing in

my mind to the paper. That is definitely one habit that I would like to break free

     I attempted to over come these challenges by trying to make my self an outline to

help me lay out my ideas more clearly. I feel that without an outline, I get easily lost

and wrapped up in ideas and I get the feeling that I will never be able to complete

the assignment.
     I feel my successes in the paper would be my personal stories. I’m proud of how I

laid them out throughout the paper. I feel I was fortunate enough to catch all that I

did that day at Target.

     My biggest disappointment is that I ran short of ideas. I truly did. I could not think

of anything else that I could put in. My mind was a blank page. I wish I could have

had more information from Fromm and Thoreau in my paper. Unfortunately, I feel I

definitely lacked in that section of the paper.  I learned that no matter how much you

think you don’t know, you really do know once you start getting your ideas down,

they all connect with each other in some way or another in your paper.

I definitely feel I could have used some more research in my paper. I had a lot of

experiences at Target, but once I looked back on what I had wrote down when I

experienced it, it really wasn’t that huge or impacting enough to me.  I also feel that I

may have generalized many of my ideas in my paper. I definitely want to be able to

improve my power to back up my claims in my own paper. Sometimes I feel I may

have thrown in some information just for the sake of it.

All in all, I did have a nice time with formal one. My only wish is that I would have

put some more feeling in to it and been able to back myself up more confidently. 

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